26 May 2008

Time to Return to England

I cannot believe how quickly my time has gone. I've seen almost every relative and friend, signed an apartment lease, signed up for gym memberships and did some shopping :) We did end up choosing an apartment in New Berlin and joining the Princeton Club.

Tomorrow Chris will return from South Dakota, we'll pack our stuff up and fly back to the UK on Tuesday. This visit has really confirmed how ready I am to return home. I'm very much looking forward to being able to see my family and friends on a more regular basis. I was very lucky to get the opportunity to see many relatives during my visit. Below is a photo of my sister and I at Vitense mini-golf.

My Dad's family drove from Ohio despite his recent brain surgery (he's slowly recovering and gaining his hearing back). Below are my two brothers on the left and my sister on the right, with Dad in the middle.

This morning we had breakfast with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins. Pictured below are my cousins Will (11 years old) and Leah (6 years old).

We also visited my Grandma in Monroe today.