23 January 2008

Right Brain vs Left Brain

I think it's interesting see the difference between how left-brained and right-brained people think. Chris and I are very obvious examples of predominantly thinking with one hemisphere. This was confirmed when taking the Right Brain vs Left Brain Creativity Test which was designed by researchers at The Art Institute of Vancouver.

Interestingly enough, it seems I'm better suited than Chris to be a lab scientist :) Some occupations usually held by a left-brained person include a lab scientist, banker, judge, lawyer, mathematician, librarian, and skating judge. Some occupations usually held by a right-brained person are forest ranger, athlete, beautician, actor/actress, craftsman, and artist.

Left Hemisphere Style
- Is planned and structured
- Prefers established, certain information
- Likely to read an instruction manual before trying

Right Hemisphere Style
- Is fluid and spontaneous
- Prefers elusive, uncertain information
- Trouble prioritising, often late, impulsive

I'm curious how many couples are like us and think very differently. It certainly works well when we travel because I plan it all out and Chris is willing to talk to anyone, no matter what language they speak, once we're there :)