19 April 2007

A Likeable Republican?

Rick Steves' is by far our favorite travel guidebook author and he's recently started a blog, which I've enjoyed following. He's currently in Italy and I had to laugh when I read the following excerpt...

"I met John Mica, a congressman from Florida, while dodging a horse carriage under a Donatello statue. He called himself a "knuckle-dragging conservative on economic issues who believes in funding the arts." He and his wife sneak over here with no fanfare (so he doesn't have to mess with security or any protocol). He was enthusiastic about a new "open skies" initiative leading to more transatlantic flights...and some funky little trattorias he wanted me to check out for my guidebook. For some reason he reminded me of salt on fresh pineapple (one of my favorite things). Meeting a likable Republican (like meeting a Catholic priest who challenges my intellect) reminds me that there's more than one way to skin an idea."

Click the following link for the full blog entry - http://www.ricksteves.com/blog/index.cfm?CommentID=66

I can relate to Rick's comment because of my despise for both Republicans and Catholicism, however also because I definitely agree that it really helps to hear others' viewpoints, especially from those people that you assume you will disagree with. I like having my ideas challenged because it makes me think more deeply about my beliefs. I always enjoy hearing Chris' sister Tess speak about her beliefs because she can articulate so well the reasons behind her convictions. Chris, on the other hand, hasn't convinced me yet as to why he's both Catholic (albeit non-practicing) and a Republican :)