17 July 2008

Car Shopping

After a 45 minute phone conversation with our Credit Union last night, Chris and I are both now approved for car loans. There was a very funny moment in the conversation early on when the member rep said she saw a name on our account and needed to know who it was.

I explained that it was my Mom and her name was on our account so she could make transactions for us while we lived abroad. This caused her to freak out telling me how she knew my Mom, and missed working with her so much (they worked together at TDS for a number of years). She then begged me to say hello for her. It's funny how living and working on the west side of Madison can very much feel like small town USA.

I'm now shopping for cars online and I'm a bit overwhelmed with my choices. I've only bought two cars in the past, both Toyotas, and both from people my Mom knew, never a dealership. I like small cars but am worried that might not be the best choice considering we want to have kids soon. Luckily my step-dad is a shrewd haggler and is willing to negotiate for us, so whatever we choose, we know we'll pay far less than sticker price.