16 November 2007

Taking Responsibility For Your World

Our friend Dario recently shared a blog posting with me that I now want to share with you. The author is a 24 year-old American guy.

November 14th, 2007

It always makes me laugh when people say they’re too busy or that they don’t have enough time.

Yes, many of us do have busy lives. But, there are 24 hours in each day, 168 hours in each week and 8,760 hours in each year (and an extra 24 in 2008)! Ultimately, we make the decision for how those hours are spent.

We may choose to spend 50 hours a week at work, or maybe we’ll choose 30 or 20. Many people will say that they have to work long work weeks to feed their family and pay their mortgage. Well, there are smaller mortgages and creating a family is a choice (even for straight folks).

Perhaps a $100,000 home would allow for more freedom than a $175,000 home. We all make choices, and how we spend our time is a consequence of those choices.

We have a tremendous amount of freedom, but we don’t always choose to see it. We are not slaves and the clock is not our master.

Ultimately, it comes down to priorities. We spend our time on the things that we decide are important.

Perhaps someone watches an hour of TV every day but claims that they are too busy for the gym. In reality, watching TV is more important to that person. And that’s fine. But it’s not because you’re too busy.

Perhaps another person spends 70 hours a week working but claims that they are too busy for a relationship. In reality, working (perhaps to maintain a large home, extravagant lifestyle or just to get ahead) is more important. And that’s fine too.

But we all have the time. And we have the freedom, through our choices, to spend it as we wish.

If we expand the picture, it’s not just about time. Our freedom doesn’t end there. We are so beautifully free. Every moment brings an infinite number of choices that we can take.

It’s all part of taking responsibility for our lives, and realizing the only brush painting our canvas is our own. We are the Michaelangelo of our own masterpiece.