03 December 2007

Office Politics

My department at work shares office space with two other departments and like most offices, everyone does not always get along. The latest saga revolves around Christmas decorating. This morning my boss (who normally stays out of these things) came in with bags full of Christmas decorations because the other two departments had decked their areas last week and left us out. Due to our placement between them, if left our area looking quite bare, but my boss fixed that today with banners, garland, and a tree. I had to take a picture of what our department tree ended up looking like after my 3 male co-workers finished decorating it :)

People here seem to celebrate Christmas at work more so than I experienced in the States. In addition to Christmas decorations throughout the office, Christmas work parties are very popular and planned months in advance. Unfortunately they tend to be quite expensive because restaurants only offer set menus for work parties (kind of like dining out on New Year's Eve in the U.S.). Another example is that everyone exchanges cards. It reminds me of Valentine's Day school in elementary school :)