14 December 2007

Christmas Cards and Music

I love Christmas cards, especially those that contain photos and/or long letters...you know the type that give highlights of the family's year. I suppose I'm most excited to see photos and read letters from people that don't keep blogs, aren't on Facebook, etc..

I've picked my favorite card of those that I've received so far and it is one that says..."Blimey! I went out to celebrate after work on Christmas Eve and got totally bladdered, yet this morning I don't seem to have a hangover," though Jackie, not realising it was now the 3rd of January.

No doubt you guessed it was from a British co-worker. The words they choose to use and their pronunciation of certain words never ceases to amuse me. One that makes me laugh everytime is the word controversy, here it's pronounced con.tra.va.see.

The strangest card I've received (also from a British co-worker) says...Give a sprout a home this Christmas (and has a picture of a brussel sprout).

Another aspect of Christmas that I love is the music. As I was riding the bus home tonight listening to Christmas songs on my MP3 player I was thinking about what I'd consider to be my favorite Christmas albums and songs. Here's what I came up with (it's a long boring bus ride)...

Favorite Albums -
Singers Unlimited
Martina McBride
Alabama Christmas (vol 1)

Favorite Songs -
River - Sarah McLachlan
It Could Happen Again - Collin Raye
God Bless The Child - Shania Twain

I miss having my binder of Christmas song lyrics which I created a few years ago so that I could sing along to every verse of my favorites (it's currently stored in my Mom's basement). I imagine that sounds quite lame, but I did have a lot of time on my hands when I worked at Weather Central :) The best was when I had one of my Mom's pianos in my apartment and I could play and sing my favorite songs!