20 October 2007

High School Reunion

Today is my 10th high school reunion at a bar in Madison. I'm not sure I'd attend even if I was living in Madison because I haven't really kept in touch with many of my classmates. Although I have quite enjoyed reconnecting with several people through Facebook (51 of my 422 classmates are on). It's such a great way to quickly see what people are up to.

Actually just looking through the replies to the Evite invitation was quite interesting because many people listed where they're living now. The most popular cities are Chicago, Twin Cities, Boston, NYC, Denver, Seattle and LA. A fair number still live in Madison as well. A few are living abroad in Japan, China, Italy, Poland and even another in England. I need to get in touch with her to see why she's here. The one location I found most intriguing though was Sioux Falls, SD. I've got to find out what made her move there! :)