18 December 2006

Traveling Takes Courage

I definitely would not say that I'm a courageous person, in fact I probably lead a more fearful life than most. However when married to someone who is intent on exploring every corner of this earth, I have to put my fear aside. In just one short week, I will be in Frankfurt, Germany. My first non-English speaking country. I'm already in a panic about how we're going to find our hotel shuttle...what if no one speaks English? I confessed this fear to my friend Becky, my British co-worker, who assured me that it would be fine and that she's traveled throughout Europe only speaking English and never had a problem.

I had never really considered just how much courage it takes to travel. We've been hearing horror stories lately as people share their tales of travels to Egypt. One woman, who was traveling with her sister, mother and father had a man harrass them for not wearing a head scarf (Egypt is 90% Muslim), but then offered to give them scarves for free. 5 minutes later another man was harassing them for not paying for the scarves! I'm lucky to be traveling to Egypt with three men as I think it will greatly diminsh the amount of harassment we receive.