29 October 2006

The Legalities of Self Defense

So after starting my first temporary job I decided that I needed some pepper spray to keep me safe while walking the mean streets of Birmingham :) In general, I feel quite safe living here, but there's something about the last stretch I walk from the bus stop to work that leaves me feeling uneasy. So after a quick internet search, I found that I could buy pepper spray for Germany. It amused me to see that it was called Pfefferspray.

The name was so amusing to both Chris and I that he shared the story with a couple labmates who informed him that pepper spray is illegal in the U.K. It had never even occurred to me that it could be illegal. I really should have looked into because my first experience with pepper spray was having it offered to me from my freshman year roommate in college who had gotten some from a neighboring state because it was illegal in Wisconsin. To quote the U.K. law "carrying or using pepper spray leaves you subject to arrest." So I asked my coworkers about their thought on the matter. They both said they carry tiny cans of aerosol deodorant to use in the same way as pepper spray. The ironic part is that spraying deodorant directly in someone's face presents the possibility of leaving them permanently blinded, whereas the effects of pepper spray last for a maximum of 30 minutes. So who's method of self defense is truly more dangerous?