05 February 2008

Super Pancake Tuesday

Today is Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday as it's officially known. Historically, rich foods such as fat, butter and eggs were used up on Shrove Tuesday because they were forbidden throughout the 40-day fasting period of Lent...so what better to make than pancakes!

As you can tell from the photo above our idea of pancakes differs from the British idea. Their pancakes are very thin and have a variety of fillings/toppings. It is amazing how talk at the office today revolved around pancakes. Questions such as...are you making them at home or going out for pancakes? What toppings will you use? (Lemon and sugar are the most common).
I wish I was home to vote in the presidential primary. We're now 99% sure that we'll home to cast our ballots in November. Shockingly, Chris and I actually agree on who we'd cast our vote for if he makes it onto the final ballot. I refer to our favoriate candidate as Osama, Chris calls him Yo Mama :)
Today is also my sister's 15th birthday, happy birthday Brianne!!