18 September 2007

The Questions Never End!

I'm enrolling students this week at work, approximately 150 each day, and I cannot believe how many students comment on my accent. I get so many questions from each that it literally takes me twice as long as my co-workers to process students.

They are the same old questions...
- You're not from here, are you?
- Where are you from? (when I answer Wisconsin, it's always met with a very blank look)
- Why did you move here?
- Do you like living in the U.K.?
- Do you want to move back home?
- And my favorite question...are you sure you're American? You sound Canadian.

I'm sure all these questions seem innocent enough but the enrollment process doesn't really allow time for chit chat, so it's become quite annoying. Especially when the men tell me they want to talk more with me and then ask where my office is located (there is no academic reason that they would need to get in contact me with after enrollment).

Oh and the students who think they're being funny end our conversations with "have a nice day." Something you would never hear a British person say except when trying to imitate an American.