10 November 2006


I discovered a new British word today. It came up during a discussion about dating. My co-worker Racheal informed me that as a dark-haired girl she'd never date a blonde guy for fear of having a ginger. She had to explain to me that she meant a red-head. Another co-worker Becky went on to explain "you know those people who are really pale and have lots of freckles." Apparently it's a horrible thing to be a ginger in this culture. More co-workers then joined our discussion and explained to me that gingers should always dye their hair and fake-bake to try and not look like a ginger.

At the Staff House tonight (a Friday night ritual) I asked Chris' labmates about the term. They all knew of it and agreed that it was bad to be a ginger. They also mentioned that if it's a red-headed girl who's especially ugly, they call her a ginga-minga (rhymes with ring). I'm so amazed at how different red-heads are treated here...maybe it has something to do with the often Irish heritage of red-heads?